Daniel is a graduate student finishing his Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning at The University of New Orleans. He brings project management and design skills to the firm, with interest in affordable housing, real estate development and the analysis of the built environment.

He is originally from Bogotá, Colombia. In 2018, After finishing his bachelor of Architecture in Universidad de Los Andes, he worked as an architect implementing BIM methodologies in design of residential and mixed use properties, such as multifamily buildings and medical centers. Daniel, co-founded MONOCROMO, an ideas laboratory focused on architecture and urban design competitions with partners in Mexico City and Tijuana.

Daniel has been interested in research related to urban development. He worked at the Housing Observatory of the Universidad de Los Andes as a researcher analyzing the quality of social and affordable housing in Colombia. Since 2020, he has been studying the impact of COVID-19 in Bogotá. He focuses on the relevance of the built environment during the pandemic, and the intersection between public, private and communal spaces in high density cities. He has participated in panels exposing his research “COVID-19 in Bogota: Issues and Opportunities in the Public Space”.

Daniel, also work as a research assistant at University of New Orleans in the Center for Hazards Assessment, Response & Technology (CHART). He analyzes hazard risk communication in homebuyer programs in Louisiana and Florida.

Since working at Urban Focus, Daniel has prepared case study research on Fund Development, worked on affordable housing feasibility in Galveston, Texas and worked on the potential use of New Market Tax Credits at Rising Oaks for New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity.
